Radiation Safety in OR


Research shows that breast cancer rates are increased in female x-ray techs because of occupational exposure. Radiation protection is even more important around C-arm procedures in OR because the dose rate is so high. Lead "aprons" leave the lateral breast area and axillary region exposed, And they wonder 'why' female x-ray techs have more breast cancer :eek: :rolleyes: :eek:

G'day All,

There are many designs of lead aprons out there, and to date they are the best protection we have against radiation. If you feel you are at risk, why don't you hassle management about getting better suits? Occupational Health and Safety is very important these days, and it is their responsibility to ensure you have adequate safety equipment. My personal favourite is a collar, vest and skirt (not masculine, I know) as the weight is better distrubuted, but I love using the new generation of lightweight "lead" in any configuration.

Have Fun! Jason 8^)

I did find one company that offers aprons with better breast protection. Its called "SHIELDING INTERNATIONAL" and they have what is called the breast-overlay apron.

Any woman working around x-rays in OR or special procedures rooms should use something like this for protection.

Ah, but how heavy is it?

And do they have a male version with extra shielding in the lower regions? 8^)

The danger, as revealed by research studies, is for female breast cancer :) Since most of the radiation absorbed by OR personnel comes from the patient in the form of scatter radiation, it is very important i.e. the table height; hence the patient, is much closer to breast height than male anatomical appendages!:kiss

Seriously, any female working around image guided procedures is at increased risk for breast cancer due to occupational exposure and should bear the slight extra weight to protect her breast tissue. It is common knowledge that breast tissue is radiosensitive.


Males can and do get breast cancer, so it is a problem for all of us. Most males, however tend to have a one track mind, and worry about one area more than others. :chuckle Personally, I worry more about my thyroid, I like my metabolism the way it is, thanks.

I also wonder which part of a C-arm the radiation comes from, in some cases the damn thing almost looks up my skirt... so to speak. Perhaps a kilt is a better term for a skirt worn by a man. I'll have to remember that next time someone hassles me about my lead preferences ;)

thanks for the kiss, right back atcha! :kiss

love, Jason:)

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