Published Sep 14, 2013
3 Posts
You are invited to participate in a research study conducted by Roxanne Romuroso a Master's of Science in nursing student. The thesis project titled "Factors influencing New Graduate Nurse Retention." The purpose of this quantitative study is to determine why the new nurses are leaving their organization after a year and discover new ways to keep them at their organization longer. This research can contribute to the nursing profession knowledge of retention and assist with the future retention strategies of our new graduate nurses, which will greatly benefit the profession.
You are asked to participate in this study because you are a registered nursewith one year clinical experience. Your participation in this study is entirely voluntary. The survey may take 15 minutes. It consists of demographic questions, multiple choice questions using Likert Scale and one short response question.
There are potentially minimal perceived risks associated with participating in this research study, such as remembering a bad experience. The researcher will be available for discussion and support about the risks via blogor via email at participant's request. There will not be direct benefit to survey participants. No identifiable data will be collected, and the privacy of participants will be protected at all times. Although every reasonable effort has been taken, confidentiality during actual internet communication procedures cannot be guaranteed. Any information that has been collected from the participants during the study will be stored on the password protected Survey Monkey website. The researcher will be the only person who has access to the collected information on Survey Monkey. The collected information will be deleted after completing the study. The results of the study will be available in December 2013. You have a right to refuse or withdraw from the study at any moment.
If you wish to voice a concern about the research, you may direct your question(s) to the Mount St. Mary's College Human Subjects Research Committee,10 Chest Place, Los Angeles, CA 90007, and by phone at (213)477-2624. If you have a specific question about the study you may contact Dr. Dufau, faculty advisor, at [email protected]. My contact information is [email protected].
Calling all new graduate nurses, this is your time to voice your concerns and satisfaction with your organization. This research can benefit the nursing profession by assisting nurses to become more satisfied within our profession, making team work easier. Please complete this survey to assist one of your fellow peers. Thank you for your time.