Cape Fear Community College (CFCC) ADN - Questions?

Nursing Students School Programs



I was accepted into CFCC for the 2022 FALL term and I've had some worries about the difficulty of the program. Has anyone gone through it that can give me their experience? My main worry is the extremely high attrition rate and how hard it supposedly is to make a B average. I am worried that I will be ruining my chances at a MSN later down the line if I mess up my GPA. I was referencing average NCLEX scores over the last 10 years and CFCC has the highest out of all Universities and Community Colleges in the state. Which I know implies that it will be overtly challenging to make it through. 

Thank you

Yes, me too. I'm hoping next week it comes out. Would be nice LOL

I don't remember my point count. It also will be a little different as I had to take the PSB, versus now you take the TEAS. I will note that I had primarily  A's with some B's. I also did not have microbiliogy completed at the time of applying. Assuming you do OK on the TEAS and have A's/B's I would not worry at all. From what I've heard it's much less competitive now that they have a Fall and Spring program. Also have been told that less people are applying overall for nursing programs. I'd only be concerned If you have multiple C's. If you have any other questions I'm happy to answer anything else (especially anything about the difficulty of the program). Or even questions about preparing for TEAS, as I did take that as well.


How was the program overall? How difficult was it, and how were the staff? 

Specializes in Nursing.

how many people did they accept in your class? what are clinicals like and how far were the different locations? 

This is one of the best ADN programs in the state. You definitely get your money's worth and you will definitely won't have a hard time getting a job post grad. I'm still only a little under halfway through so keep that in mind. In terms of difficulty: a lot of people have been struggling, even when studying 24/7. I personally don't study that much (also have been working) and I have been performing well on the tests. So, I think it really depends on the person and how you handle these multiple choice/select all type medical questions. A lot of it you can kind of reason through if you don't panic on the question. I rarely do the readings and mainly focus on what's said in the class/what's on the powerpoints. There will be times that info on the test will only be known if you had read the textbook however. If you have time to do all the readings you definitely should, as it will only help you.

You just need to figure out what works best for you. Everyone has varying levels of time that they can dedicate to studying and you need to figure out what works best for you (whether that's hand writing notes or typing them on the computer, recording lectures with permission from instructor then listening back after class, making flash cards, studying in groups, etc). I have found I just don't have time to make flashcards or to listen back to lectures. You will also have different instructors each week or even multiple in one week. So, it's super important that you get used to adapting to different teaching styles.

 First semester is heavy on the labs/skills. These can be very stressful and you really need to take these labs seriously. As you will be tested on proper demonstration of these skills to be checked off. The instructors have been great so far, everyone is very knowledgeable. You will definitely have your favorites and also have ones you may not like as much.

I actually don't know the data on how many they accepted for my cohort. I know in the past they've only accepted 80 out of 500 applicants but like I said I think it's less competitive as of right now (don't take my word for it though). Clinicals are nice, its about an 11 hour day at the hospital. You get assigned a patient/patients and help take care of them with supervision. You will have a fair bit of clinical paperwork, but that's probably the same with all programs. Most people do their clinicals at New Hanover Regional Medical Center. They do have options at Pender Hospital if that is a closer drive for you. New Hanover Regional is only a 10-15 min drive max from class. Not sure about Pender.

When did you start clinicals ? I guess that doesn't sound too bad. I can definitely see that it dependent upon each person and instructor. Wish they posted a range of total scores that they typically accept. Like uncw has a whole section on their page. 

You should expect to start clinicals halfway through the first semester.

Specializes in Nursing.

Wow, 500 applicants!! Thank you for explaining parts of the program! So do you spend more time in a lab setting or on-site at the hospital learning skills? Are the nurses all nice for the most part? I wish they posted what range they accept too LOL, the waiting is the worst part

What is your recommendation in terms of what to buy for school, or what ways of studying you have found effective? 

What all schools have you all applied to? Is everyone applying to the traditional ADN program?Any LPNs in this Chat that's applying to the Bridge program?

Anyone that filled out that survey feel like the "did you attend the information session" feel like it was a trick question? Bc I surely did not...

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