Question regarding taking my nursing major in the philippines


Hi everyone,

I am a US citizen. I am planning to take my nursing major in the Philippines. Can anyone give me some of their opinions about my decision on taking my major in the philippines. Also, after graduating there I am going back here in Hawaii to take my Nclex exam. I will be consider as a foreign Nurse because I will be graduating in the Philippines eventhough I am a US citizen. What are the requirements do I need to do inorder to take the Nclex exam. Do you think that this is a wise decision to make? I just can't afford to study here in hawaii and wait to get into the program.

Please help me....


Probably a total waste of time and money... but that's just my guess. I suggest you go talk to HR at DIFFERENT hospitals. Then, talk to HR at nursing homes, then talk to HR at assisted living facilities. Most HR people will probably not be straightforward & honest with you. Hopefully you'll find one that will be honest.

Also, do yourself a favor. On this site,, go read new grad posts in other states of the U.S. You might get answers from nurses on the mainland.

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