Question about McGraw-Hill Study Guide for NLN

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I have the McGraw-Hill Nursing School Entrance Exam study guide. I am wanting to know if there is a way to calculate a possible NLN score after taking the practice tests??? Ya know, to give me an idea of what I might get on the actual test?


I don't think that it is possible to get a feel for an NLN score off of the practice tests because they are raw scores and while you will be given your raw scores for the NLN most schools base their acceptance on the percentile scores which you have no way of calculating as they are obtained by comparing your raw scores to a reference group of past test takers. Also the actual NLN will have more questions than the practice tests in the McGraw-Hill study guide. There will be 80 verbal, 80 science and 54 math. Not all are counted toward the score but you wont know which ones they will through out. Just have to keep that in mind when timing the practice tests. I fretted over my results for weeks and then they were lost in the mail and the NLN closed for the Holidays and I had to wait even longer, so I know how stressful it can be!

Good Luck with all.

Thanks so much for the info! So does anyone have any idea how many I would need to get right on this study guide in order to be adequately prepared?

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