Question about degrees and path.



This is my first post. I've used for a long time as a database. I need some advice. I am currently just a CPT1, but I like to have set paths. I am highly interested in becoming a CRNA, granted I have a long road ahead of me.

My question is this: I know CRNA Programs require you to have a BSN. Which would be a better path, going straight for the BSN or getting my ADN then going from RN to BSN?

I will need to work during my schooling, and I'm not sure if being just a CPT1 or CPT2 will be enough to support myself during school.

Thank you for your time.

Specializes in Anesthesia.

Hey there....So here is what I did. I got my ADN from a community college, and then while working FT as a RN I went to UNC -Chapel Hill online and got my BSN and now I have one year left of CRNA school! If you are worried about money this most likley is the best way to go about as it was cheaper this way. There are countless ways to get money though. Loans and scholarships are out there you just have to be willing to put in the leg work ie..filling out the forms, writing why you need one, etc....

Schools DO NOT care whether you got your BSN online vs a traditional 4 year. They just care about #1 you have a BSN, # grades, # GRE/MAT scores, # ICU experience. Pretty much in that order. Hope this helps good luck!

Hey there....So here is what I did. I got my ADN from a community college, and then while working FT as a RN I went to UNC -Chapel Hill online and got my BSN and now I have one year left of CRNA school! If you are worried about money this most likley is the best way to go about as it was cheaper this way. There are countless ways to get money though. Loans and scholarships are out there you just have to be willing to put in the leg work ie..filling out the forms, writing why you need one, etc....

Schools DO NOT care whether you got your BSN online vs a traditional 4 year. They just care about #1 you have a BSN, # grades, # GRE/MAT scores, # ICU experience. Pretty much in that order. Hope this helps good luck!

Thank you for your quick reply and it was very helpful. I will probably do that, and after getting my ADN I should be able to find employment quite easily since I already work at the lab. Thanks again!

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