Puerto Rican RN wanting to move to Miami...help!!


Hello everyone,

I am an RN with a bachlor's degree in Puerto Rico, but i just got my permanent license about a month or two ago. Therefore, i am not able to move and work in Miami Fl. as an RN until i complete my 2 years here in PR. Either that, or i take the NCLEX. I have decided to take the NCLEX but as everyone knows, its a long process and it takes a long while for the state of FL. to get all of your information and proof of english competency ...etc. Now, the problem is that i want to move to Miami immidiatley. I know that i can work at the veterans hospital in miami without having to have taken the NCLEX or without having to have the required 2 years of experience under my belt. But i dont want to sit around in PR waiting for the VA hospital in Miami to give me a call. So my question is if theres anyone that knows of some other way i can find work in Miami? I looked into this and found out that i can "challenge" the CNA test and when i pass it, i would be able to work as a CNA in miami until i pass my NCLEX exam. Is there any other job in my field that i can take up in Miami while i go through the process of taking the NCLEX? The problem is that i want to move asap... what can i do???

-Thank you in advance for all of your help and opinions.

I would call a local Red Cross in or near Miami to see what your optins are. You may also call the boardbthat governs nursing assistants in Florida, & see about challenging the CNA exam.

However you've worked long & hard for your degree. You may just need to be patient and put off Miami fofor awhile. Why be a CNA when you're a RN in PR? Using your skill is the best thing you can do for yourself. Good Luck

Good luck . Let us know where you found your employement in case some of us want to move to miami.

Apply to Ny they accept credits from PR. I know because I studied in PR and after I spent almost 1000 dollars doing all the credentialing they told me my credits were not eligible. I appliede to NY and in less than a month I was elegible to sit for Nclex. Good luck

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