Project Help?


I am currently doing a project where I need to find out the most common traits of a CNL (or someone that wants to become one), and I would really appreciate if you could help me out. There's nothing personal that you have to share, and is anonymous. The questions are about your age, gender, ethnicity, if you have children, and what made(makes) you want to become a CNL.

[h=3]Thank you for participating in my survey! I am working on a project to determine general information on CNLs!

[/h][h=4]1. What is your age?[/h]18 to 24

25 to 34

35 to 44

45 to 54

55 to 64

65 to 74

75 or older

[h=4]2. What is your gender?[/h]Female


[h=4]3. Do you have any children? How many?[/h]No

Yes. 1 - 3

Yes. 4+

[h=4]4. Where are you currently living?[/h] North North-East East South-East South South-West West North-West

[h=4]5. What is your ethnicity?[/h]American Indian or Alaskan Native

Asian or Pacific Islander

Black or African American

Hispanic or Latino

White / Caucasian

Prefer not to answer

Other (please specify)

[h=4]6. What made you want to become a CNL?[/h]

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