Procrastination will be the death of me in nursing school


Hello nursing world, I am currently in my second semester of nursing school and I'm having a hard time. My issue is that I procrastinate too much which leads to more procrastinating because I'm a perfectionist and if I cant study everything perfectly, then I can't bring myself to study at all. My eyes have been open to this flaw of mine and I need to overcome it to be successful on my exams. I have never ever been a straight A student mainly because of this procrastination problem of mine and my ADHD. I was always the average C student. I will say though, on some nursing exams I would study every single day even for a few hours and go into the testing room on the day of the test with confidence just to find out I still got a C or lower. I guess I'm just very discouraged and feel like if I get the same grade whether I study well or not, what's the point? But I don't want to have that mindset because I know my future patients won't care what grade I got at all. I guess I'm just wondering if anyone out there has experienced this before and how did you overcome it? I also was wondering if you all had any testing advice/tips to help with answering NCLEX style questions correctly.

Thabk you in advance for any replies!!!

Specializes in Medical/Surgical/Telemetry RN.

Do NOT procrastinate. This is Nursing school my friend. If they can't teach you then you have to teach yourself. You have to eat, sleep, breath and poop nursing. Nursing you have to be all in. If you are not all in DO NOT BE A NURSE. Here is my advice. You may do bad on a test or a quiz but then challenge yourself to do better! Work harder. To do better. You need to sacrifice a lot of things for Nursing but in the end it will be worth it! Strive to be the top of your class. Good Luck! By the way it's not about being smart. It is about putting in the time and then you will see when you have worked hard based on your results. Don't come into nursing or tests or life willing to do half assed work. You gotta give 110% of yourself to nursing if you want to do well. When you are in the field it will be the hours and hours and hours of preperation that will make you a skilled nurse! Don't get confused on thinking that anyone in there is better than you and that they are not struggling. Get that crap outta your head and push forward! Good luck and I wish you all the best! I am a second year nursing student too! Also remember that getting a bad grade doesn't define what you are capable of achieving! It is not about the grade, it is about the amount of time you put in to achieve that grade! Don't study for your grade, study for your patients! peace!

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