Published Feb 27, 2022
2 Posts
Hello, I am newly hired into a community type role where UCPs administer routine oral medications from weekly packs. Part of my role is developing the medication program and training and overseeing the UCPs. Where I was working previously it was only registered staff administering medications so this is a bit of a learning curve for me.
What procedure do you have in place for when medications are delivered from pharmacy? In my previous role packs were checked upon delivery by TWO people before the weekly packs were put into rotation. The system in place at my new job is one person accepts and checks the packs and then they are put into rotation. My concern with this is that there is such a small staff pool that it is more than likely that the same person who received the packs will be administering them. Therefore only being checking by one person on delivery and admin. Did I just come from a hypervigelant setting prior? Do you have a system in place so it's one or two people checking the packs?