Problems with Balloon Tamponade in Developing Countries


Hi! I am not a nurse and I have no medical background but I am currently working on a project on improving maternal health in developing countries - particularly improving the design/usage of balloon tamponade to treat PPH in developing countries.

Has anyone worked in developing countries and used balloon tamponade to treat PPH at both the hospital and community level (ie. home births) ? I know in some poorer countries they put together a condom and a straw to manage PPH (because they cannot afford proper ones designed by Utah Medical Products or Cook Medical). What other kinds of low cost or low tech balloon tamponade have you used and what problems (preparation time etc.) do you find with these ? I know the inflated condoms may not follow the shape of the uterine - does that mean it is not as effective as the proper ones used in developed countries ? Does anyone know how much are the balloon tamponade catheter sets made by Utah Medical Products and Cook Medical ? Also has anyone encountered any problems when using these properly designed balloon tamponade catheter sets ?

MDG5 - I am a nursing student so don't yet know enough to help you on your question. But I know that MIT has free open courseware available on the internet and one of the courses has to do with healthcare technology for developing countries - it looks fascinating and it might have some resources that could help you. Here's the link to this class: It looks like the class consists of several lectures (mostly pdf format) - which I'd love to read if I can find the time someday between nursing school and working as a clinical assistant.

If the link doesn't work, you can find it by googling on "MIT Open Courseware", then look under the "Health Sciences and Technology" course list for a course called " Designing and Sustaining Technology Innovation for Global Health Practice". You'll know you're there when you see the picture of the bicycle ambulance :-)

Good luck!

MDG5 - I am a nursing student so don't yet know enough to help you on your question. But I know that MIT has free open courseware available on the internet and one of the courses has to do with healthcare technology for developing countries - it looks fascinating and it might have some resources that could help you. Here's the link to this class: It looks like the class consists of several lectures (mostly pdf format) - which I'd love to read if I can find the time someday between nursing school and working as a clinical assistant.

If the link doesn't work, you can find it by googling on "MIT Open Courseware", then look under the "Health Sciences and Technology" course list for a course called " Designing and Sustaining Technology Innovation for Global Health Practice". You'll know you're there when you see the picture of the bicycle ambulance :-)

Good luck!

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