Pretty Neat New Anesthesia Site


A Freind that just returned from the Anesthesia Faculty Meeting told me about this Beta Site - Its not even yet listed on the public serch engines - and He told me to take a look

I was Floored

Very Innovative Community Wealth concepts - from research, software - search engines, online publication (free)

Neat to have free repository of research, papers, CEUs, inservices, etc...- On that note....How many our our thesis's are NOT published and how many times do we probably reinvent the wheel?

I tried out the ACTc software (CE version) and talk about WOW factor - Esp since its free - that also is community grown - apparently we (Anethetists) determine how it runs and will grow...the install was tricky but...following the links on the FAQ page for installation went fine...

As an eductor - this is a pretty neat site - apparently there is talk about presenting this site and its concepts at Nationals this August

Anywho - what ever its worth -

Old Salt

Brilliant! I briefly viewed the site. I look forward to downloading the ACTc. Thanks for the tip Oldsalt.

Hi - Yeah cool site

The webmaster was a bit surprised at the amount of activity on the beta site - but He wrote to me that at this point all beta testers are welcome to come and try the site - upload papers, research,etc... He just didnt know how word got out...Oppps..

He also said to try out the new software ACTc (stands for Anesthesia clinical Tuitor and Calculator) - But let him know

([email protected])

about yourself - your experience,what PDA your are using, comments on the flow. that sort of thing. I decided to help out and test the site and software..

Well what ever its worth - it nice to see sites like that - and that gifted people in anesthesia can apply themselves so well in other areas...( he did it all apparently ) -


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