Prep your spouse/family to be a good support system?


Specializes in NICU.

How did you prep your spouse/family to be a good support system? How were you able to demonstrate to your spouse (or new husband in my case) how time consuming NS will be?

My issue is that my new husband, although very supportive, does not understand how time consuming NS will be. I am flattered that he thinks I'm "a genius" but I can't seem to figure out how to get him to understand how hard the material will be for me and I may be slacking in cleaning the house, cooking dinner, etc. not bc I don't want to but due to the importance of the material I'm studying and trying to grasp. Anyone had issues like this??? Luckily we only have pets right now so I'm just trying to get my new husband ready for life when I'm in NS.

Thanks in advance!

Specializes in N/A.

Just tell him right out. I told my bf. Nursing school is my life right now, you are on the back burner. This is my future and I want to make things happen for myself. I'm sorry if you are mad but it is important to me. He does feel neglected. I make time to spend one night a week with him. My bf also thinks I am a "genius" but I am deathly afraid of failing so I spend almost every waking moment that I am not at school or work studying. As for the house cleaning ask him to pitch in. It's best to be upfront and honest.

Specializes in NICU.

Thank you! He's really helpful already but I think he's confusing the fact that just because I quit my job for NS, doesn't mean I will have free time. I think creating a "date night" will be good for us too... not something I thought about till you brought that up.

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