Published Apr 22, 2006
26 Posts
So yesterday I just had my orientation for LPN school. I had been looking forward to this for what seemed forever, I had completed all the prequisites, even for an RN, and jumped MANY hurdles, with chemistry A and P etc. I had been to college before as a music major so I have been through the whole "trying to just get a degree thing". They crazy thing to me was that I NEVER when I was dreaming about all of this imagined until this orientation how detailed and how much work and training this is going to take. How much ethical and legal responsibility it is. I am NOT saying I am going to quit I am in this for the long run but I must say my anxiety over the whole thing has increased 10 fold. I know success is a possibility but I am feeling discouraged with the " You only will be able to work in nursing homes" "They are phasing you out" along with the whole overwhelming idea of trying to learn so many aspects of such a fragile profession. Where you hold people's lives in your hands. I am overhwhelmed by the responsibility it is. I am just rambling but I wanted to post this because I am sure people have been where I was yesterday. Wanting to be taken seriously and be recognized for the accomplishments, but still floating in self doubt. I sure makes me want to be kinder to everyone in every health care situation.
69 Posts
Relax and take a deep breath. That crap about only working in a nursing home just isn't true. I work in acute care on an extremely difficult med/surg floor and I can tell you that I do 95% of what the RN's do. The jobs are out there but you may have to look. Yes school is hard but keep your eye on the prize and you will be fine. This is not an easy job no matter where you work but if you keep your nose to the grindstone you will be successful. Good luck and dont give up.....