post-op care of bariatric pt


Specializes in hospice.

My best friend is having gastric bypass surgery. She's in great health, has had extensive pre-op screenings, and her surgeon is highly regarded. I'm going to be her support system and "private nurse" while she's in the hospital, and for a few days after d/c. Is there post-op care is required that is specific to this surgery? I'll be a GN in two weeks, and although my role is mostly supportive, I know how things can be on med-surg floors. I want to be aware if I should watch for anything different for this post-op.

Thanks for your expertise!


Make her strictly follow her diet, don't let her pick up anything heavy, have her pain meds filled before she gets home. Now, I have a question for everyone: I had a Roux-en-Y about 5 yrs ago, lost 130#. Now, with no lifestyle or diet changes I've gained 10# back in a month! What's going on? Please advise!

My best friend is having gastric bypass surgery. She's in great health, has had extensive pre-op screenings, and her surgeon is highly regarded. I'm going to be her support system and "private nurse" while she's in the hospital, and for a few days after d/c. Is there post-op care is required that is specific to this surgery? I'll be a GN in two weeks, and although my role is mostly supportive, I know how things can be on med-surg floors. I want to be aware if I should watch for anything different for this post-op.

Thanks for your expertise!


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