Post-Graduate Certificate


Specializes in AG-ACNP-BC.

Hi all, 

I’m an AGACNP and considering getting post grad certificate for FNP or one of the peds specialties so I can get the peds component covered. For those that have done that, did you just do clinicals on top of regular work? 

Any program recommendations that are the cheapest, most flexible, and with the least amount of clinical hours? 

I’m frustrated this is such an ordeal when the difference in pediatric training I received vs an FNP is literally 1 class. Over half my curriculum was with FNP’s, and I have several FNP friends who never touched a child outside of the 1 ped class and rotation. Wish I could just take the 1 class and call it good- but that’s a rant for another day. 

Mostly just wondering what folks have done that worked well to get the peds component in. 

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