Published Jul 25, 2010
139 Posts
I am trying to apply to a school's nursing program for the Fall of 2011. The application deadline is 2011. My problem is that I took some non-matriculating courses from this college when I was still in high school almost six years ago. And t I didn't do well in them. These bad grades are still a part of my official transcript there. And they bring down my GPA tremendously. I want to apply for amnesty but I'm not sure if I can get it in time to apply for the nursing program, and I don't want to wait another year just because of this when my pre-requisites will be finished fater THIS semester coming up. Any ideas?
P.S I live in the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania area
122 Posts
I'd contact the nursing department where you want to apply and ask them if those will even matter. Try explaining that those were several years ago and you're obviously in a different place in life, as your recent school record indicates.
Then get in touch with the other school and see if you can appeal those grades and possibly have them dropped to Ws or incompletes or maybe even just erase them.
Is it the same school where your current pre-reqs are from?
Half of my pre-reqs are at another school and half were taken at the school to which I am trying to apply
212 Posts
Is this school's RN program lottery based or GPA based?
It does make a difference. It really depends on the school's program, I would ask the nursing school first to see what is the requirement GPA for the prereqs and what's the minimum overall GPA that is required to apply.
I had the same problem as you, but they were looking for overall GPA and also C and above on all prereqs. So even though my GE classes grades were not as good, but my prereqs grades were A's and B's. So that worked out fine.
2 Posts
First Id sent down with an advisor..discuss your concerns and goals. If it is a problem at that school...see if you can re-take those classes. If try to apply to a few other nursing schools as close to your area as possible.
Good luck!