Published Jan 12, 2016
9 Posts
Hello, I need some guidance and advice.
I am currently taking my prerequisites to get into nursing school, and I have been working as a caregiver at assisted living facilities in order to gain some knowledge and medical experience. However, I recently quit a job, and looking back, I think that the place was very neglectful, and almost abusive, to the residents.
I quit the job at the beginning of December, is it too late to file a complaint? And if so, how do I do it? I keep trying to find complaint forms online but I keep coming across dead links (I live in Michigan)
1 Post
Its never too late! its on your heart and mind so i say do it report immediately, you can save someone from pain and suffering you can report anonymously .
Notify the Department of Human Services (DHS), Adult Protective Services: MDHHS - Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
Statewide 24-Hour Hotline: 1-855-444-3911
If you suspect abuse, neglect or exploitation of a resident of a nursing home by another resident or by a nursing home employee, notify:
Bureau of Health Services Abuse Hotline: 1-800-882-6006
Michigan Protection and Advocacy Service, Inc.:
Developmental Disabilities: 1-800-288-5923
Mental Illness: 1-800-288-5923
Attorney General 24-hour Health Care Fraud Hotline: 1-800-24-ABUSE / 1-800-242-2873
verene, MSN
1,793 Posts
Call the number listed. If it is like Washington State, it will go to a confidential voicemail where you can leave as little or as much information as you chose. It is preferable to leave name and contact information in case the investigators have questions, but not mandatory. You do not have to prove neglect or abuse to file a report; just have a suspicion that it is occurring. It is up to APS to investigate.
239 Posts
It is always worth calling. I have done this after quitting at an assisted living facility that I worked at as an uncertified caregiver back in the day. State will investigate, may impose a 'stop placement' order on the facility so they cannot accept new residents until they have corrected their deficiencies, and will improve the safety and care of the elders there. Very worthwhile. Please call!