poor circulation in hands

Nurses General Nursing


what does this mean? can it mean a number of things?

Ex. if someone is awake and just sitting there and there hands just fall asleep

what do you think it could be? just curious if it means there could be nerve damage somewhere or could arthiritis cause this?

just wanted some input

I suggest a good physical exam, maybe then a neuro consult.

Specializes in Public Health, DEI.
what does this mean? can it mean a number of things?

Ex. if someone is awake and just sitting there and there hands just fall asleep

what do you think it could be? just curious if it means there could be nerve damage somewhere or could arthiritis cause this?

just wanted some input

What came to my mind immediately was maybe DNP, although it could be any of a number of things. I suggest you consult your physician, which is something I'm still working around to doing since I noticed that I can no longer cross my fingers a month or so ago. I'm not paniced, but I know it could be significant, so I need to have it checked out and hands falling asleep for no particular reason fall into the same category.

What came to my mind immediately was maybe DNP, although it could be any of a number of things. I suggest you consult your physician, which is something I'm still working around to doing since I noticed that I can no longer cross my fingers a month or so ago. I'm not paniced, but I know it could be significant, so I need to have it checked out and hands falling asleep for no particular reason fall into the same category.

This is not a problem that i am having. im just curious as to what causes this. not looking for advice on seeking a physician just wondering if anyone has ever studied this or know anything about it.

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