Published Feb 6, 2017
1 Post
Hello all!
I just wanted to share how I studied for the PNCB CPNP-AC exam since I couldn't find a lot of information when I was studying. I ended up having to take the test twice.
I graduated in August and started studying 2 weeks after graduating. I used my class notes, NAPNAP conference notes, PNCB study questions, and Melnic AC-PNP exam review. I thought the PNCB study questions were worth purchasing. If you're unsure if you want to purchase the Melnic review, I would skip it. The NAPNAP conference notes were a bit too general, but it was a great basic outline of what to study for the test. I took the test in October, and failed. It's worth mentioning that I tend to suffer from a slight case of test anxiety and second guessed myself on a lot of questions.
The second time around....
I registered for the test in November and planned to take it the beginning of February. I knew it would be difficult to study during the holiday season, so I wanted to take the test after the holiday season and dedicate a whole month to really focus. For the second time around, I decided to add in some primary care material. I used Barkley's Review, notes I had taken from my study session in round 1, PNCB study questions, Harriet Lane, PNP Study question book, and NAPNAP Core Review Book. I don't think it's necessary to use the PNP Study questions or Core Review since obviously it's more primary care focused questions. I waited until the week before I took my test to go through the PNCB questions.
In summary, I think using the NAPNAP Conference notes, class notes, HLA, Barkley's Review, and PNCB Study questions were enough for me. Keep in mind that I'm not a very good test taker, so I may have used more materials than what you would normally use.
Good luck! :)
8 Posts
Hello ,
I am planning to take my ac pnp exam in September . I was using the Melnic ac pnp to study but the website is no longer available and I did not download the content ? also the nap nap review is after my testing period. I see what you used would you be willing to share any study notes specifically the ac pnp Melnic and nap nap notes