Published May 4, 2011
45 Posts
Hey guys, I have been looking for over an hour now for specific values indicating a UTI in a male patient with Diabetes. Also, the patient has visible dark red blood in his foley bag. My texts, the internet, all I can find are normal values, and what high or low values mean. I need to know the actual specific values indicating a UTI, for instance, WBC normal value is 0-5, what is a realistic value you would see in a pt with UTI?
I need values for:
ph (normal: 5-8)
Specific Gravity (normal: 1.005-1.035)
Glucose: (normal: negative)
Protein: (normal: negative)
RBC: (normal: 0-2
WBC: (normal: 0-5)
Ketones: (normal: negative)
Bacteria: (normal: negative)
Bilirubin: (normal: negative)
This is an assignment for school and the normal values is what the prof gave us.
The sooner the better, please; any help is appreciated!!!
Thanks nurses! :heartbeat
1,097 Posts
To determine if there is an infection, you send a culture and see what grows. Then you'll get a report back from lab saying what organism it is and what susceptibility it has to various anti-biotics.