Please help!!! Student looking for a job in Texas


I would like to get a job in a medical setting so that I can get more experience. I have only worked at two places (Pizza Hut and Macy's) while going to college to finish my pre-req's for nursing school. I've applied and am waiting for what to see if i get accepted into the BSN program. In the meanwhile, where can i get a job (in medical field) that doesn't need to have a license or certificate? I will get my Associates of Science this May, if that helps?

Any ideas where i can get a job? In San Antonio, Texas?:confused::confused:

Specializes in Acute post op ortho.

I worked as a ward secretary while I was in school. I went on to work for the same facility after I graduated & already knew how to admit/dc a patient in the computer system, obtain supplies, that sort of thing. I was light years ahead of the other new grads. I knew who to call in other departments when I needed something done NOW. Heck, if nothing else, I learned how to read doctors chicken scratch.....

That job helped me in many, many ways.

Specializes in Hospital Education Coordinator.

consider spending the summer getting CNA certification. Takes 4-6 weeks

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