please help-need advice!! the schools in my area are not NLANC, only state accredited

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hi my name is Amy- becoming a nursing student soon!! YAH!!- but my schools are not NLANC- so is this bad? will it be a disadvantage, I hope not - because I really am excited about starting this- it has been my dream and now I am able to do this- so please help!!! thanks so much- i live in melbourne!! any answers will help!! -amy

Hi my name is Amy- becoming a nursing student soon!! YAH!!- but my schools are not NLANC- so is this bad? will it be a disadvantage, I hope not - because I really am excited about starting this- it has been my dream and now I am able to do this- so please help!!! thanks so much- i live in melbourne!! any answers will help!! -amy

Amy, I am sorry I can't help you but I never thought about if any of the programs I was looking at were accredited by the appropriate agency which I now know is NLANC. I guess I assumed if the places I was looking at were at major universities and colleges they would be accredited. I just looked at the NLANC website and several places I expected to see on the list were not. For example, I was looking for Northeastern but didn't see it listed although I am assuming they are accredited.

I know- i never thought about this either until my father- who is a HR director said to look into the accreditations for schools- so i will keep you informed if i find out any info on the matter!! - same for me please!! thanks for replying!!-amy

Specializes in Maternity, quality.

There are more than one accrediting agencies (the other big one I know of is CCNE, e.g. Northeastern). Some newer programs may not be allowed to be accredited yet, but they may have applicant status somewhere. If the program is approved by the state I doubt you would have a problem getting licensed or hired locally, but if you wanted to go on for further education it may become an issue if they do not have national accreditation.

Good luck to you!

thanks- that's what i figured- I will just move forward, The two schools in my area are my only options so what's a nurse to do :) lol!!

have a great weekend!!

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