Published May 12, 2010
2 Posts
Is anyone else out there attending the Penn State Accelerated Nursing Program for Fall 2010? This program is new and and not many people have heard about it, but I am hoping to find other people attending as well or already attending so we can answer questions, get to know each other, and learn more about the program. I know that I have lots of questions and do not know anyone else attending this program so if you are out there, please respond! Thank you!
14 Posts
Hi, I am in the first class of the 2nd degree program at PSU altoona. We have a group on facebook with all of us from the 2009 class and there is 3 or 4 people from your Fall2010 class. Incompatible Browser | Facebook
If you join the group there is a discussion where the Fall 2010 class has a discussion going and if you would like to contact me I am the one who started the discussion in the group. Please feel free to ask me any questions. My email is [email protected].
Hope your enjoying your summer while it lasts and 1 tip would be to save up as much money as you can now :).
16 Posts
Hi there, I am also starting the second degree program next month at PSU-Altoona. I am a little nervous, but mostly excited to begin the adventure!
Were you at orientation this month?