Published Oct 12, 2011
27 Posts
Hi All!
So I am in my last year of nursing school. Hooray . Anyway - I have care plans down pretty well. However, my problem is that my pediatric patient I am doing a careplan on is pretty healthy. The reason for her admission was an infection in her earlobe. (Piercing of cartilage gone REAL bad) .
I am having trouble because I need to come up with 10 diagnosis! I just can't do it.
Everything was normal on her. Except for the obvious infection of her ear. She was on Vanco and Percocet. She is 12 years old. When I saw her she was going to be scheduled for an MRI as well as surgery to drain the ear. (which she ended up having but when she was still there a week later she was no longer my patient). Most of her care happened after I saw her because she had just been admitted that morning.
Any ideas for diagnosis that I can use?
Other then that - there is much to this case. (That I can see)
I would obviously use infection , knowledge deficit, and disturbed body image ... perhaps?
Thanks all!
Double-Helix, BSN, RN
3,377 Posts
10 diagnoses for a peds patient is pretty extreme, in my opinion. Peds patients don't usually have co-morbidities so you'll probably have several risk-diagnoses.
However, there are some big ones you are missing. Think about this:
Child is in an unfamilar area, parents may or may not be with her all the time. She's probably going to have surgery. How might the child feel about this and what diagnoses can you use here?
The child is on percocet, which implies that she is having _______. So your diagnosis can be Acute ______.
What are the side effects of her medications? How do you minimize the side effects? What nursing diagnoses could you use?
She is going to have surgery to drain the abcess, which involves a surgical incision. What does that put her at risk for? What side effects of anesthesia might she be at risk for?
Adolescents thrive on being around their peers. This child has been in the hospital for a week. What diagnoses might you apply to her (hint) 'Social' situation?
What about family dynamics? How are the parents handling the situation? Other siblings? How is the child/family coping?
Just glancing through the NANDA diagnoses, I think I identified 15 or so that could be applicable, so there are enough to complete your assignment.
Thank you SO much for your reply. You have really helped me. Last semester we didnt have to do a care plan so I kind of forgot about the diagnosis that are not strictly related to the illness.. such as pain, constipation, fall precautions due to the meds... etc... you have helped me to have a more overall view of the patient. So thank you so much!! I appreicate your help. I really do!!!