Published Dec 18, 2008
274 Posts
any tricks up your sleeves? I'm nervous- and I have 2 kids lol!
what can we expect? is there AM care,ect like med surg? aaahhh!
654 Posts
any tricks up your sleeves? I'm nervous- and I have 2 kids lol! what can we expect? is there AM care,ect like med surg? aaahhh!thanks!:loveya:
I done one peds rotation and I wil start with another peds rotation in the beginning of fourth semester.
Here is my advice for whatever it is worth it.
1.Always do the vital signs when the kid is sleeping.Trust me on this one...
2.Review your two common childhood disease.You either will get the patient/kid with the diagnosis of gastritis or bronchiolitis (yes not bronchitis).Know the signs and symptoms,treatments,nursing considerations.
3.Appear confident to the mother of the babies.Pretend you are the pro.
Good luck,I enjoyed my Pedi rotation but I enjoyed OB better,but my heart is set on med-surg.