Pearson Vue/Breeze Trick March 2018


This is just an update to those that were as anxious as I was wanting to know the outcome after taking the NCLEX. Pass or Fail. I live in N. California.

I took my test on Wednesday, March 7th 2018. I received an email from Pearson Vue a couple minutes after I walked out of the facility stating:

"Now that you've completed the NCLEX Examination, we understand you may still have questions." Blah blah blah...

I waited the 2 hours as suggested by others who tested out this trick. I logged back on Pearson Vue and went through all the steps.

Logged in

Answered all the questions like I'm retaking the exam.


I entered my CREDIT CARD number, BUT *ENTERED THE WRONG EXPIRATION DATE & WRONG CVC NUMBER (3 digit number on the back of the c/c) You MUST hit submit to get this trick to work.

If you get the "Good Pop-up" saying:

"Our records indicate that you have recently scheduled this exam. Another registration cannot be made at this time."


If you get an "Error" message that states your card declined then there is a high possibility you failed. That is what they call the "Bad pop-up"

The 2nd way to confirm you passed is by checking out the Breeze website.

Log in & under the 1st tab under "Manage your applications" you will have 3 options.

1. Change of name application

2. Request for verification letter

AND THE 3rd option is the most important one!!!

3. Vocational Nurse

Initial Application for licensure

If you see the 3rd option-IT'S A GO!!!

I followed the instructions and paid for my license. $150

I paid for it on March 14th. I received my letter in the mail stating I passed on March 15th.

If you received a "Good Pop-up on Pearson Vue, but do not have an option for the VN initial Application for licensure, then wait till they update your profile. Your options will not be updated until after 24 hours they have sent out your letter saying "Congratulations"

If you received the "Bad pop-up" on Pearson Vue and get an option to "Retake" the exam on the Breeze website then I'm sorry, everything I read online states it's a fail.

I hope this helps.

My classmate also took the test the same day as me and did both tricks with me. Just wanted to put something out there for those who couldn't wait like me. Good luck and best of wishes.

Also, DO NOT CALL the board asking if this trick works.

Thanks for the tips!

Is the breeze trick are 100% accurate? Thanks :)

Hi y'all, I took the test this week (July 03,2018) at Miltpitas, CA center. I kept checking breeze. I did not do the PV trick because I did not want to donate $200. I kept getting the option to pay for the license since July 05 morning. I got very impatient and paid $150 this morning (July 6) and after few hours my license is up on breeze. OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!! I still haven't gotten the letter from BON. I am so freaking happy though. I couldn't believe it!!!!!! so yes the Breeze trick does work and it is much more reliable then PV. Good luck to all you future nurses. You can do it!!!!!!

Took my NCLEX yesterday, test stop at 160 with still about 2 hours left. Did the Pearson Vue trick acoupke hours later answer the question. Have you taken this test before "yes", then yes and last no. Then plugged in fake credit card CVC and exp. And got the good pop up. Did the same thing today ...still good pop up. When on breeze applied for an intern permit didn't have the option tab "vocational nurse initial application for license". Is this bad? I got the email now that you've completed NCLEX blah and blah at 1040pm at night. Any thoughts?! My classmates waited 48 hrs and they're name was on breeze with that tab and within 10 days got their congratulation letter... This is torture.

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