Published Sep 9, 2008
1 Post
I am thinking about attending this school and I would like to know if anyone goes there. I know that the program is new, but I don't understand how the classes are set up, and if they teach pharm. If anyone know please let me know thanks.:)
17 Posts
The school is a SCAM. stay away from it
CarreBarreLPN, ASN, RN
67 Posts
I graduated from PCCTI recently. Would I go there again? I'm not sure. I can't say emphatically NO because it lead me to my ultimate goal of being a nurse....BUT there was a lot bs that we were put thru by administration that was absolutely pointless. Honestly. MY instructors were very good. I passed all of my HESI's without so much as looking at 1 cheat sheet and I averaged over 1000 on all including Hesi final which was extremely difficult. I recently passed the NCLEX (first time as well). I was very dedicated to my studies as well as to helping my classmates. We all were actually. There's an underlying theme of administration not wanting groups or friendships to form but we ignored it. We stuck together and helped each other with study groups, websites, NCLEX style questions, reviewing. Even now three months later were are furiously texting and emaling each other well wishes and tips and tricks. Please understand, this was OUR group. From what I've seen/heard from instructors and in the halls -is that not all of the groups were like that. There were several occasions where fights broke out etc. I can't help but think that had we not been put under so much pressure from certain people in administration that the classroom would have been more condusive to learning.
As far as Pharm no. It's written itno the curriculum to be studied by topic and it should be organized so that you have 3 months of just pharm in nursing 101. To be honest I taught my self pharm. It was my lowest Hesi grade and I had a lot of pharm questions on nclex which makes me think I didn't do so great in that area.
I will tell you this- call the CON for illinois and ask their opinion they are very helpful and actually DO return calls. They'll let you know if it's worth it or not.