Path To NICU???


Hey everybody! I am currently in my 2nd semester of Nursing school and I have finally discovered what I want to do. I would love to work in the NICU! My only question is: What path should I take?

I am in the Air Force, so once I graduate, I have to choose between one of two tracks: Med/Surg or OB.

I'm not exactly sure how the specialty process in the Air Force works compared to the civilian side, but I was hoping to get some insight from the NICU nurses here as to which track would pave the way quicker. Any responses would help and would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for all you do! I am in awe every time I see the amazing things nurses do everyday.


Specializes in pediatrics.

You can get to NICU either way, but I personally know only med-surg nurses that are taking the fellowship.

So, what you do is get to your first duty station, mention to your leadership what you want (do the NICU fellowship), keep your eye out for the call for candidates and work on the package. I think they sent out a notice this year about how they still had slots for the OR and NICU fellowship.

The program is awesome, or so I've heard. It's at Lackland AFB- and technically that's where it's stationed even though by the end of this year it's physically will be north up at SAMMC, not Wilford Hall.

It will add time onto your commitment, but hopefully you'll get to see Japan as well as Texas. :)

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