Passed Basics-csn--nac I Next



Anyone else out there that just passed Basics at CSN!!:yeah: I am so excited and can't wait to move on to NAC I !! Its only been since Thurs. and I already feel lost with out having to study all the time!! I actually don't know what to do with myself..Anyone else out there feeling the same???:typing:uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3:


I read one of your other posts and the first 2 sentences sounded like me... I become a mother at 17, married at 18 yrs old, and stayed at home with my kids(3 total) while they were young. I went to college off and on and had a daycare in my home to make money.

Now im in my 30's, going through a divorce and I want to be a nurse!It took everything I have been through to push me to do it. Thats why I am a firm believer in "everything happens for a reason"..I aslo had 2 sick sons(Hirschsprungs Disease) so a little

"blessing in disguise" was being in hospital a lot with them insipred me to be a nurse. I start CSN in Fall.I have always been shy, doubt myself a lot, and afraid of change so I know it will be a struggle for me.

I have been reading as much as I can to get a jump start for Nursing.. Do you have any advice to offer for NS as I admire what you have accomplished already.

Im read the Fundamentals of Success when I can. Is there anything I should read about or know going into 1st semester taht I can learn on my own now? Thanks and good luck to you next semester...ENJOYYYYYY your freeeee time while you can!!!You deserve it

Specializes in med surg.

Yea!!! Me too!!! Congrats! :yeah:

Are you going to the picnic next Saturday?

Hope to see you there. :)

cajunmom- make sure to get the Fundamentals Success book they recommend, because it will help you tremendously with the test taking! The test format is what messes most people up. It helps to review the beginning chapters before you start basics because you will not have a lot of extra time once school starts.

Good Luck!

thanks hs2005..I have started reading the fundamentals of success.Micro just ended and I have a couple weeks before Philosophy starts so I will have more time to read it..

Specializes in nursing home,psych,chemical dependency.

I too just finished Basics, and it really hit me today....I don't have to study anything specific.....lost,lost,,,,so accustomed to routine. But, I am accumulating books, and will start to prepare for nacI in the next weeks or so..can't make it to the picnic (abrister), but would like to know if the T shirts can be bought otherwise?????:typing

Specializes in med surg.


I am sorry that you cant make the picnic.

We will have the t-shirts at the beginning of the semester, or, just tell me your size, I can pull it out for you and you can get it from me over the summer if you like.

mimimartina: Do you have the list of books that are required for NAC1? I didn't get the information before they took it off of Blackboard. I want to get my books and start reading soon, to get a head start before we go back in August.

Specializes in nursing home,psych,chemical dependency.

Hey lise2887, go to the Delgado website,,then go to locations..Charity, when you get to the Charity website, click on currently enrolled students,,this will take you to choices of Basics, NAC I, etc,,click on NAC I, you can get the book list there...

Thank you, mimimartina. I knew I saw the list somewhere else, but couldn't recall where. Enjoy your summer!

Thank you, mimimartina. I knew I saw the list somewhere else, but couldn't exactly recall where. Enjoy your summer!

Specializes in nursing home,psych,chemical dependency.

Hey, looked at the book list, and some of the books have been updated,,,if you find a newer edition, get that one if you can,,,but I noticed while I was in Basics, that a lot of people had older editions of books. The IV 2007 has been updated to IV 2008,,,,I guess they didn't update the CSN website to go along with what was posted on BOLT....

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