Pasadena City College ADN Fall 2024

Nursing Students School Programs


Specializes in CNA.

Starting a thread for those who are applying to ADN 2024 at Pasadena City College. 

I'm also planning to apply for the Fall 2024, what other schools are you applying to?

Specializes in CNA.

@futureRNFall2024 I am aiming only for PCC for now. Just giving a try since I am already in LVN program. How many points do you have for PCC? 

Specializes in Postpartum/Public Health.

Glad to see there is so much engagement in this thread! Best of luck in your application and starting the ADN program! 

Specializes in CNA.
badtzmaru said:


good luck to us.



hoping for pasadena acceptance. Does anyone know anything about this program?

ex: how are the teachers, clinicians, difficult or easy? Do many drop out? any info is appreciated

Has anyone else not received any update? Do they send emails to our personal or school email? I'm trying to stay hopeful of maybe getting an alternate email but I haven't received anything. 

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