Published Jan 25, 2007
55 Posts
nursejohio, ASN, RN
284 Posts
I think I had clincals there. I never could quite get the hang of it either. I guess it was just never explained in a way that made sense to me. I thought the problem is the COPD or whatever got him admitted, the action is the breathing tx etc we're doing and the result is that he's still alive. My teacher wasn't so fond of my logic
Your logic makes perfect sense to me!!
140 Posts
Sounds like PIE charting, which is what we were taught in school. Problem, Intervention, Evaluation. (Although I'm not 100% sure about the Evaluation, it's been a while!) You simply write what the problem is, what was done about it, and what the outcome was.
For example:
P: c/o increasing hip pain, now 8/10.
I: morphine 4 mg IV given.
E: pain now 4/10.
You could easily substitute PAR for PIE. I think that's how most of us chart anyway, we just don't necessarily use the anacronyms. Personally, I would not chart a problem or c/o without charting what I did and what the results were.
Hope this helps!
clemmm78, RN
440 Posts
We never had it called anything officially, it's just the way I chart, much like ParrotheadRN said.
"Heard sound in patient's room, found him trying to get out of bed. Syringe driver dislodged and patient appears confused and in generalized pain. Patient returned to bed and reoriented. Medicated X 1 with morphine 5 mg s/c and versed 2 mg. s/c. Syringe driver restarted in right upper arm. Patient now appears comfortable and to be sleeping."
Problems stated, followed by interventions and outcome.
burn out
809 Posts
I could already have it typed or written out by the time I figured how to PIE or PAR it.