Published Oct 2, 2015
5 members have participated
1 Post
I am a California resident, intending on moving to AZ, to Prescott to be precise. Thus, I will be applying for nursing programs in AZ. I already hold a B.S. in cell biology at a CA state university. I am on a strained budget. I do realize I will have to pay out-of-state tuition.
Should I pursue an associates degree in nursing or a bachelors? What are the hospitals accepting these days in AZ? Do they prefer a BSN? Does anyone with an associates degree have trouble getting a job?
Secondly, how long do I have to live in AZ before I can get resident tuition?
64 Posts
From what I have been hearing it's getting tougher to get jobs with just an ADN. I would recommend getting a BSN if you can. You have to be a resident for atleast 1 year to get in state tuition.