opinions needed!

Nurses General Nursing


hi i am in high school and nursing is what i would like to go into.the thing is before i decided i wanted to do nursing i wanted to be a cop. now sometimes i randomly have a change of heart(i guess thats what you could call it) and want to he a cop instead, then back to nurse idea. this happens every now and then and i was wondering if anyon else ever felt like/ experienced this before.

Specializes in Med/Surg - Internal Medicine.


First of all, I remember being in high school and worrying about the same thing. Then in college, I changed my majors numerous times. People change and mature with time...some faster than others. And with that, some people realize what they're meant to be before others.

The great thing is that you can always start in one area and if you find you're not satisfied with it, then you can change to something else...because you are so young. I started out with my goal of going into Psychiatry...finished all of the pre-reqs and started the core classes, then wanted to be a cop...so then I started taking those classes and completed an Associate's in Police Science. Then I started working in an assisted living facility as a nursing assistant, became State-Tested Nursing Assistant and traveled onto a nursing home. It was then that I finally found my longing for nursing, but I wanted to help more than being a Nursing Assistant. Long story short, it would be faster for me to complete my Bachelor's in Psychology and then complete the Accelerated Bachelor's of Nursing program.

I am VERY satisfied with my decision to become a nurse...and the Psych degree helps too. :)

Best wishes on choosing your rewarding career.

thanks for your advice

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