Los Angeles Harbor College Spring 2018

Nursing Students School Programs


Hello Prospective applicants,

I am starting this thread since application to la harbor college opens soon, thought we can share our application process and any information about the program, please share anything you want about the application, teas etc! I am currently studying for the teas and are applying to el camino and la southwest.

They have sent the invite out already. Check your school email.

Thanks, I received mine.

I received mine also. I already took the TEAS so I just need to send them my results.

Invitations to take TEAS has been sent out Guys ! Good Luck to everyone !

I didnt get an invite to take the teas at la harbor, but if you are gonna take after the deadline to submit your teas , as long as you turn it in within 24 hours of the day you took it. That way you can still be in the final lottery for admission acceptance. Good luck everyone!

I didn't get an invite. But LAHC said they might be sending out another email for a second lottery no later than October 31..


If they don't end up inviting you, you can let them know you are taking it November 7 and if you can turn it in then even if its pass their deadline to turn in teas score, thats what i did and they said yes but withing 24 hours of the day you took it.

I got mine too! God bless everyone.

Thank you ! @_xomjexo I'll call and let them know!

Has anyone gotten a reply yet from the nursing department?

They said they will send a follow-up message to the invitation at or around the response deadline (Oct. 30 at 4:00 PM).

No, I haven't. If anyone gets anything can you please update. Thanks.

I received an email, confirming that they received my email.

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