American River College Spring 2017

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi fellow applicants! It's that time of year again to apply to ARC's ADN program for Spring 2017. So I figured I would start a new post so we can all stay up to date on progress or to answer questions! :) Best of luck!

Nothing yet here... I look just in case but I'm not expecting to hear anything this early :(

HI Everyone, I got an email stating I have been selected as an alternate this morning. I am number 11. Does anyone have any idea as to what my chances of getting accepted in to the program are? Good luck to all of you who have applied!

For arc? I haven't heard anything at all, I wasn't even aware that they might have already announced their selection...


Yes for ARC. I received the email today...

Oh okay, well congratulations on being an alternate. I wouldn't be surprised if you got even at number 11 since so many people apply to extra schools.

It does seem so strange that they would send out the alternate emails without sending out the rest of them (accepted/ not accepted). I thought some other schools were selecting this week, but not ARC.

I hate to be the one to say this...but I wanna say it's BS or an error. The nursing department updates their statistics on their website when they send out the acceptances, ect...and they haven't updated them as of right now....maybe the other person was confused? I know another school was supposed to notify their applications this week. Plus there are ZERO enrollments into the program as per the Los Rios website when you search classes (zero out of 40).

Or maybe I am just freaking out and my mind doesn't want to comprehend that I have not been selected!!!!

Lol I'm pretty scared too but I think you are onto something... There might have been some type of error which I've only heard about happening once before and it's the school I applied to as well. I will find out about sjdc acceptance tomorrow.... Other than that I am going to try and stay hopeful and see if there are any updates tomorrow.

"maybe the other person was confused?"

What would I confuse an email stating "You have been chosen as an alternate for the ARC Nursing Program" with?

I dont think that its meant as personal thing towards you.. Although from your stand point I get it. I just think people are thrown off that ARC has sent out alternate emails earlier than they usually have for the past few years and that they started with alternates first and not acceptance letters. Either way you have a seat in a manner of speaking.

Yes, I want to apologize....I didn't mean it in a negative way. It just kind of hit me and made me panic a little bit (as I am sure it did for a few of us). Like I said in my post, my mind just doesn't want to comprehend the fact that maybe I wasn't accepted (again) I hope you don't take it personal...and Congratulations on being placed on the Alternative list!!! :)

Apology accepted. And I hope you receive an even better news than mine...

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