Oncology Office Chemo Flow Sheet


The oncologist I work for asked me to revamp his present chemo flow sheet he uses for his patients. I have been looking online but can not find one. So wondered if any one working in an oncology office has a flow sheet I can use as a template I can work from to make a more custom one for his office for the patients that receive chemo there. So does anyone have a template from their office we could work from that would be ok?? Or a flow sheet I could work from to customize to his office format? Or at least an idea what you have on such a flow sheet that works and is not too paper detailed for the nurses?? Thank you so much. nanu121049

our office flowsheet is like a spreadsheet. However it is generated from our document manager (Touch Chart). Demographics (name, chart number, dob, primary and Secondar DX. Then the chart starts, 1st column starts with the year then below that has the weight, height, BSA. Then the columns start about 15 across. Dates are placed in the top box of each column and then data runs down. current labs: WBC, ANC, HGB, HCT, Plts. After that some of our docs put tumor markers and renal values

then meds are listed starting at the far left column and then doses under the correct date column.

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