Published May 23, 2016
NerdyKnitter, CNA
103 Posts
Anyone here applying to ADN program next spring at Olympic College? I'm finishing my pre-reqs winter term and looking for other pre-nursing students hoping to be in the 2017 cohort. It might be nice to make some connections now and start supporting each other. :)
4 Posts
I am! I'm also finishing up my last two classes and plan to apply for the 2017 program! Where are you attending now?
I'm attending OC right now, you? I've decided to not take my last two pre-reqs together since I am working. I want to do well in BIO 241 and 260! I'm still applying so I get my extra point, but without the 3 points for micro I'm sure I'll be in the 2018 cohort.
pierce :) I just finished 241, I quit my job last quarter to focus on getting my GPA up for my application. I loved A&P though! Micro was actually really easy for me, I want to retake it though, and get my GPA up more. I'm crossing my fingers for 2017, but i'll probably be in the 2018 as well.
I took bio 241, chem 131 and public speaking this quarter, it was rough! Def take it slow so you can nail those grades!!!
I'm going to the ADN session today at 3:30 at the shelton location, i'm nervous lol.
22 Posts
Hello! Has anyone submitted their application to Olympic College..? Can any current nursing students comment on the pace of the program? Thanks!