Published Jan 17, 2008
RN Power Ohio
285 Posts
the ona, oha and oone have propoesed staffing legislation will do nothing to change staffing levels at the bedside. act now to prevent this recommendation from becoming ohio law!
1) nothing in hb 346 will change the status quo in ohio's hospitals. there is nothing in the bill which makes the hospitals accountable for setting safe standards. the language throughout the bill is weak and ineffectual.
2) hb 346 will neither save lives nor reverse the shortage of nurses who are willing to work in hospitals. a similar bill was passed in texas which only resulted in an increase in the rn vacancy rate and turnover rate!
3) hb 346 will perpetuate the economic disparities in hospital care ... by asking for "flexibility" the ohio hospital assn. really wants to be able to set different standards for different hospitals, according to the hospital's financial situation. this will continue worse nursing care in hospitals in disadvantaged communities. furthermore, most hospitals in ohio are doing well financially.
4.) just read the fiscal analysis of the bill it tells it all. no costs for increased staffing- only paper!
5.) no whistleblower protection!
6.) hospitals already have staffing plans.
7.) hospitals already have nurse staffing committees
a real ratio bill is being introduced soon!
4 Posts
Thanks for the info. We do not get enough information on these kind of bills, or at least in time to take a stance.
15 Posts
Ohio nurses, be sure to check the nursing activism link under Ohio Nurses Speak Out for more discussion on this topic.