Off work/ changing area of nsg.


I've been out of work by choice for one month. I have 10+ yrs ICU/CCU background. I recently hurt my back (facet joint inflammation) pushing/pulling on patients. I will not risk hurting my back again so I decided not to do bedside nursing in hospital any longer and want to move into home health. I hope that being off work for 1-2 months does not look bad on an application. So, how long is too long for trying to get employment in area I have no experience with? I also need to be PRN since I need flexibility for school. I want to go back for adult NP.

I have never been without a job since I was 15 years old and it feels weird being unemployed. I have no idea what an employer's views are about an applicant being out of work for however long. Although my reason is because I am recovering from a back injury, I hope an employer does not ask me why I did not work for the 1-2 month period. I don't know if this matters, but I am in Texas.

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