Ocean County College Nursing program demands


Hello everyone, my name is Amanda. I have recently received my acceptance for the Spring 2014 semester. I am wondering about the curriculum of the nursing classes. I know that it is extensive study, but I'm mostly worried about being able to maintain a full-time job of (45-50 hours) night shifts and nursing. I know that my study is more important, but I can't afford to work part time, but I don't want working full-time to be too invasive to my studying. Luckily, I'm single and all of my relationships (family, friends and boyfriend) are supportive. I am going to try and balance the two, but I need to have a solid plan if it doesn't work, so I guess this is a preemptive attempt to make arrangements if necessary.

Thank you all for your anticipated guidance!!

I don't know much about the curriculum at the school, but I will say this, working full time and going to nursing school is going to be tough. You will truly have to manage your time well. And make sure you have time for studying for all your classes, some recommend anywhere from 5 to 8 hours per week. But also make time for yourself, and don't burn out with all those hours. I know you said working part-time isnt an option, perhaps, going to school part-time is? Depending on how the work load is, and what you know and feel you can handle is an important factor. If nothing else, try cutting down costs in other areas, like living with roomates, even other nurses, that way you guys can study together and help each other out, or even share books. Nursing school is not going to be cheap either. It all ends up being determined by you though, nursing school does require time and devotion for you to succeed at it. And I wish you the best.

Thank you for the advice and the well wishes!

How did working full-time and going to school go for you? I just got accepted for the Spring 2015 semester and I intend on still keeping my full-time job, but I'm nervous it will hurt my grades heavily. I'm considering going to part-time though I really need the money.

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