OCC Nursing Orientation - June 11


Did anyone on the board go to the OCC Nursing Orientation on Thur, June 11? I had to miss it because of a scheduling conflict, but I am going to a make-up session tomorrow (which I am happy that they are providing!). What went on at orientation? Any good information?

I went to the one on June 5th and it was very discouraging. I felt like the instructors were trying to talk us OUT of going to their program. I understand its a tough program and while I don't doubt they were trying to get that across the whole thing seemed odd. They told us that though (don't quote me on the numbers) hundreds apply only 80 or so are accepted. And for the ones that don't make it in to the RN program guess where they go?? Thats right the LPN program which has even fewer spots and hundreds apply as well.

They also made the comment that if you have to work at all while in the nursing program maybe you should consider a different career path. Most places are trying to talk you into their program not out.

OCC accepts over 200 students/year to their nursing program. They also just started their second year of having an accelerated program which has around 60-70 of the students with the highest GPA from the selected 200+ . They send out letters to those 60-70 people with the top GPAs with the option to accept or decline the accelerated program and then 60-70 more spots open up for the people that are next on the list to get accepted to the Traditional program.

The traditional program is tough and stressful, but I work 20-25 hours/week and I'm just finishing my first year next week. I don't think that I would feel comfortable working and being in the accelerated program, at least not for the first 4 or 5 classes because of the lab component with them. I had heard many negative things about some of the instructors at OCC and now with my first year almost out of the way, I can honestly say that for the most part all of the instructors are nice, patient, and helpful.

I hope this helps...it sounds like there was some confusion.:nuke:

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