Do you insert Cytotec for inductions?

Specialties Ob/Gyn


Just a quick question, I started a new travel assignment at a hospital where the nurses are expected to insert the Cytotec for inductions. From every place I had ever worked and everything I had read this was a big "no-no". I thought I also recall reading somewhere that nurses should refuse to insert the Cytotec has it had not been approved for this usage and if something happened we could be held liable for just being present when a doctor inserts it. What goes on in other facilities?

However.... there was a big uproar in Novemeber or so becuase the SC state board of nursing issued an advisory opinion against nurses placing cytotec on a viable fetus.

Are you sure this is for induction? We place Cytotec for induction. But we are not permitted to place Cytotec for termination on a viable fetus, for sepsis, amnionitis, etc. We can place Cytotec for a fetal demise though.

Are you sure this is for induction? We place Cytotec for induction. But we are not permitted to place Cytotec for termination on a viable fetus, for sepsis, amnionitis, etc. We can place Cytotec for a fetal demise though.

Here is what it says on the web site:

Advisory Opinions

Question 44

Question: Is it within the role and scope of practice for the registered nurse (RN) to insert prostaglandin analogs (e.g., misoprostol) into the lady parts for cervical ripening or induction of labor with a viable fetus?

The Board of Nursing has determined that it is NOT within the role and scope of practice for the RN to administer prostaglandin analogs (e.g., misoprostol) lady partslly for cervical ripening or induction of labor with a viable fetus.

The statement is an advisory opinion of the Board of Nursing as to what constitutes competent and safe nursing practice.

No we just started using it again for induction..and no the physicans are responsible for inserting the med!


Here is what it says on the web site:

Advisory Opinions

Question 44

Question: Is it within the role and scope of practice for the registered nurse (RN) to insert prostaglandin analogs (e.g., misoprostol) into the lady parts for cervical ripening or induction of labor with a viable fetus?

The Board of Nursing has determined that it is NOT within the role and scope of practice for the RN to administer prostaglandin analogs (e.g., misoprostol) lady partslly for cervical ripening or induction of labor with a viable fetus.

The statement is an advisory opinion of the Board of Nursing as to what constitutes competent and safe nursing practice.

Depends on the State...

Depends on the State...

Yeah it certainly does. I probably should have said that that was from the SC BON.

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