O.R. certification course (Jacksonville)?


A few years ago someone told me that one of the nursing associations offered O.R. certification classes for medical device reps. I am looking for a class/school for my incoming reps. Any advice would be great. Thanks

Reference this article (1996) Is this course still around?

AORN sales professional course - Association of Operating Room Nurses

Introduction to the Operating Room" is taught through the use of lectures, videotapes, slides, handouts, group discussions, and practical experience. The morning session is the didactic portion of the course; the afternoon, the clinical. The morning lecture covers

* basic OR protocol,

* OR staff members' roles (eg, surgeons, anesthesia care providers, circulating nurses, scrub personnel),

* OR do's and don'ts,

* traffic patterns,

* OR attire,

* principles of aseptic technique; and

* the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA's) bloodborne pathogens standard.

The afternoon's clinical orientation takes place in AORN's state-of-the-art OR Learning Lab or in a local hospital's OR for courses offered off-site. During the clinical session, participants wear surgical scrub attire to get a hands-on look at the items and concepts discussed during the morning's lecture. Instructors stress appropriate use of personal protective equipment (PPE), as well as behaviors expected in the OR suite (eg, moving around the sterile field and the OR). The AORN instructors address questions such as, "Where can I stand?" and "What can and can't I touch?"

The clinical session is the most significant portion of the training because the instructors visually tie together the concepts and explanations discussed in the morning lecture. Participants learn what they can expect to experience while in the OR. This OR visit also offers an ideal opportunity for group discussion and clarification of pertinent issues.

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