Nursing strikes again!


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Just graduated AGNP program AND have several offers. What's the problem? I can't even get a test date. Why must my program be accredited, then I must submit an app to the certifying body detailing which approved program I attended, then send them official transcripts from said approved program and then have an individual from the same approved program submit a form detailing what is already in the transcripts AND THEN have an individual at ANCC/AANP review and approve what has clearly already been approved??!!?? Meanwhile, new PA grads are allowed to have everything in place so they can test as early as one week after graduation!!! I must tell an employer that I, as an NP, am the best candidate for the job "just as soon as I get my authority to test, schedule my test, pass my test, submit my results to the state & get approved by them to have the APRN license, I'll be ready to negotiate a salary"....Really?? I understand that waiting to negotiate is not mandated but you get the point. To top it all off? PA's can get additional certificates of qualification but as a basic PA can do whatever. Nurses keep pigeon holing themselves into these corners based on certifications.

The powers that be are creating the equivalent of an autocracy ruled by a gluttonous, out of touch monarch, cowering away from the real world in the corner of his lavish palace, sloppily gorging himself with research while his subjects suffer. Or.. A queen in her ivory tower, in all her finery with white powdered wig and powdered face, away from the sufferings of the dirt covered masses, surrounded by her consorts of "yes" men and hand maidens (NP Program directors) who should be telling her to change her ways but instead fill her head with nonsense. When she does hear of unrest and the true condition of her paltry subjects, she picks up her cup of contemptible DNP laced tea, sips it with a pinky extended, and simply says "Let them eat EBP."

Unless a revolution occurs, I foresee the downfall of the once great empire of Advanced Practice Nursing.

I have no choice but to encourage my child to go the PA route and it saddens me.

Specializes in SICU / Transport / Hyperbaric.

I did not find that to be the case in regards to the NBCRNA and CRNA certification. Paperwork was submitted by our school and eligibility to test the next 3-5 days. Certification verifiable online day after exam and actual certification delivered in the mail 2 days later. Was the same for my entire class. So I guess one program got it correct.

Sorry for your hassles. I had a friend in a similar situation as yours. He actually graduated 3 weeks before me and certified almost 6 weeks after me. No reason for it in this day and age of electronic submission.

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Not surprised to hear that. CRNA's do have it together with regard to their certifying body and how they regulate themselves. They also do a better job of focusing on the hard science and what counts during their education, not to mention that they have handled the DNP thing without creating tons of uncertainty. I have my personal theory about why nursing can't/won't do what PA's and CRNA's have done, but I won't go there. Congrats on your career!

Specializes in SICU / Transport / Hyperbaric.

Thanks, and good luck.

Specializes in Med-Surg, LTC, Psych, Addictions..

That sounds so very frustrating and disheartening. I'm sorry you're going through this. I understand that there must be measures in place, but sometimes the world of nursing can be ridiculous and tiresome.

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