Nursing School On the Horizon


Hello all, this is a great site, learned alot here. This is my first post, hope to get some feedback. I'm 55yrs. old, a male, and recently got accepted at local Community College into nursing school. It's an ADN program and I'll start in March 2012. I saw the writing on the wall with my business a couple years ago. Terrible economy here in Michigan. So I went to the College and spoke to an advisor. She was very encouraging, told me she thought I could do it, so I started taking pre-reqs. I have absloutely no experience in a hospital setting and haven't worked for anyone but myself since 1978.

I decided to try volunteering at a very large hospital here in Metro Detroit. It was quite a process but finally started training as a pt. care volunteer recently. They do allow some hands-on pt. contact at this hospital. You are expected to take this job very seriously which I expected, and accepted. They ask for a 6 month commintment and at least 4 hours/week. So far, I can honestly say my 2 training sessions have been an absolute disaster. I've been late both times which, of course, is on me. Inexcuseable! So, needless to say, I'm on no one's happy list. Fully expected to get fired, didn't happen.

You're expected to present to patients with a happy, smiling face, make some small talk if appropriate, etc. Now, I'm really not an a very extroverted, outgoing guy, but I'm trying. I've been reprimanded/criticized by my trainer for the smallest gaffes. One example: when I concentrate while writing, whatever, I sub-consciously stick out my tongue. While concentrating on making a bed I did this. My trainer told me if the pt. was present they may have thought I was sticking my tongue out at them! I feel as though I've been picked apart. That is only one example. Nothing I do/say is APPROPRIATE. I am discouraged but I'm not a quitter. I know some of this is about being late 2 out of 2 times. Really, I find some of this stuff downright funny, but it's also a bit much. What say y'all. Any comments would be appreciated.

Specializes in ED.

Hey- good luck in Nursing School! It is an exciting and very demanding and intellectually challenging program - a life changing experience!

Being a nurse does mean you are "on-stage" while in a clinical setting and have to walk the talk. So I think it's great that your supervisor is pointing out behaviors that may hinder your professional advancement or your patient's impression of you. Nursing really does demand that we take a good hard look at ourselves, our appearance, our behaviors, preconceived notions, prejudices, communication skills etc.

Every thing you do around a patient is affecting their perception of you - and their trust in your abilities. A great on-the-ball nurse can save their life, even if they have a crappy doctor - whereas a sloppy, inattentive, or late nurse can kill them even if they have the best doctor in the world.

Since it is your first time in a clinical setting you should look for the people who are doing a great job and set them in your mind as a role model and imitate them as best you can. Also much of what you need to do in Nursing school is follow directions: so if you're told to be there at 8 - be there at 7:45 - if you're told not to stick your tongue out - then put your tongue firmly in your cheek and move on! You can't take things personally and you have to be willing to change and grow. Takes a lot of effort.

Best of luck.

Thanks You, everything you said made alot of sense. I'll do better.

Hang in there! I bet that you are nervous because you were late, but Murphy's Law prevails at the most inconvieniant times! I agree that nurses have to be professional and your trainer is just trying to be helpful!Don't let it get to you and kill 'em with kindness (everyone, pts especially) and they will grow to love you!:cool:Have fun and learn, you can't go wrong!

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