nursing school fall 2006?


Hey. Anybody else applying to either UT or TWU in houston in the med center for fall 2006? Have you sent in your transcript and application? Also, do any of you know how to send a copy of your transcript to UT to be evaluated..I heard you can do that but I dont know how to. If you know how, please let me know..I would really appreciate it. Thanks! Have a great day yall!

Specializes in Onc/Hem, School/Community.
Hey. Anybody else applying to either UT or TWU in houston in the med center for fall 2006? Have you sent in your transcript and application? Also, do any of you know how to send a copy of your transcript to UT to be evaluated..I heard you can do that but I dont know how to. If you know how, please let me know..I would really appreciate it. Thanks! Have a great day yall!

;) Hello fellow Houstonian. I just finished up my prereqs at HCC and have applied to UT Houston, UTMB Galveston, and HBU. I am just sort of anxiously wringing my hands and waiting for a letter at this point. Also, I'm trying to find a temporary position over the summer so I can make some $$, but still have time for my kids. Good luck to you..

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