Published Feb 4, 2005
1 Post
I live in Oregon and am finishing up my pre reqs for the bachelor's programs up here. There are only about 4 BSN programs up here. They are super hard to get into. This summer I am going to CA to work at a summer camp I worked at last year, I'm thinking of just staying there and establishing residency and then applying at schools down there as there are soooo many more programs. But I don't know if it is worth it or not and I am having a really hard time finding stats on acceptance rates... I have a great GPA this time around, but when I went to university right out of college I did horrible. So also what do you all know about getting rid of some of those grades??? I'm retaking a few of the course as part of my pre req's so that should help. But I would love to ditch some of those grades especially since because I am retaking the few classes that would count I won't even be using any of those credits toward nursing school. Any info any of you have would be very very appreciated... or just pointing me in the direction of some info... that would be great too!!!
Thank You!
Jessica Student RN
9 Posts
I had a C in physiology and anatomy and an overall GPA of 3 or so. I was number 11 on my programs waiting list and got in. Don't worry too much.
77 Posts
What school is that? I'm in the N. CA bay area too, and all the schools seem so impacted. I feel like if I don't have a 4.0 on the pre-reqs, I won't get in.
3,905 Posts
This summer I am going to CA to work at a summer camp I worked at last year, I'm thinking of just staying there and establishing residency and then applying at schools down there as there are soooo many more programs. But I don't know if it is worth it or not and I am having a really hard time finding stats on acceptance rates...
California does have a lot of schools. But, of the six schools in my area, every single one has a waiting list that's usually two years or more. Plus, the course and other requirements vary with each program.
For example, one school will take one out of four possible speech classes, while another program will only take public speaking and that's it. No other speech courses will do. Other schools don't require speech at all but will require that you be a CNA, take additional chemistry courses ... all kinds of different things.
Some schools have local residency requirements, meaning, you have to live in that specific area, while others require a minimum amount of credit hours at that school and that school only. If you transfer too many credits, you don't get in.
The list goes on and on. Each school has different quirks with their requirements. You pretty much have to focus on one program and meet those requirements because it can vary so much. If you're lucky, maybe one or two other schools will have the same requirements but, that's not always the case.
It's really difficult to get into any program in California so, you might be better off staying where you are.
I am at the Santa Rosa Junior College. They have one of the most respected programs in the area. So don't fret. If you are put on a waiting list like I was, then come up with a plan B (I was looking into retaking some classes to bring my GPA up). And you just might get accepted because people were applying to more than one college and a space opened up for me. And here I am with but a few months before I graduate and it was worth the effort and stress. Good luck!
Hi. Just thought I would give you advice on how they look at your GPA when you are trying to get in. Most nursing programs have a point system in which they give your entire GPA a score based on a scale (for example, a 0-5). Then they look at the nursing prerequisites like anatomy, physiology and microbiology and give it a more significant score (0-25). So my point is if you have great grades in those classes, but an overall GPA that's less than perfect, it probably wont affect your score too much. I hope that makes sense.
Small world, I am taking Anatomy at SRJC right now : ) I have to say it is interesting, but the hardest class I've ever had I will survive though! LOL
2 Posts
which school was that? in Cali?