nursing resume

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I plan on going to nursing school to be a pediatric nurse eventually and i was wondering if me not having many office or "real jobs" is going to be a huge problem.

Im getting my CNA this summer and then going to volunteer in africa for 4-6 months in the hospitals. Ive worked at restaurants, one office job, and im a nanny for 3 families. Is that going to be enough for a resume, or should I look into getting more office related jobs?

You don't necessarily have to have office-related jobs.

It's better if you have health-care related jobs. The volunteering in Africa will help you out significantly because it shows your enthusiasm for helping others when it comes to health.

Plus if you're going into pediatrics, get a job that has you working with kids. Something like pediatrician's office, kindergarten, pre-school, social work, etc.

Make sure that when you work, you keep good relations with your employer, especially someone who's your superior because you will need letter of recommendation from them.

thank you so much! should i even mention the babysitting/nanny jobs?

thank you so much! should i even mention the babysitting/nanny jobs?

Sure. I don't think it'll hurt your chances. Just don't base your application or essay on babysitting. You can list that under jobs or ec activities.

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