Nursing Informatics

Specialties Informatics


Dear Informatics Experts,

Any guidelines on making a fledgling web site more visible online?

I have two areas I'm not sure how to research or learn about:

1. Getting the web site noticed on the world wide web.

2. Figuring out how to edit my current web site through my ISP. I use a template system, as to new at this to understand developing with HTML language on my own.

3. How does one learn about how to set up a counter to mark "hits" on a web site?

I think with some time I can figure out how to edit it through my ISP, but am not certain how one begins the process of making the site more visible in hyperspace or http://www.

Thanks in advance for your time.

Originally posted by LoveTeleNursing

Dear Informatics Experts,

Any guidelines on making a fledgling web site more visible online?

I have two areas I'm not sure how to research or learn about:

1. Getting the web site noticed on the world wide web.

2. Figuring out how to edit my current web site through my ISP. I use a template system, as to new at this to understand developing with HTML language on my own.

3. How does one learn about how to set up a counter to mark "hits" on a web site?

I think with some time I can figure out how to edit it through my ISP, but am not certain how one begins the process of making the site more visible in hyperspace or http://www.

Thanks in advance for your time.

There's many ways to promote your website online, or make it more visible that is. In the past i had submitted mine to search engines but this goes back to about three years ago and I'm sure now there's many other ways to do this; i would suggest going to the following sites:

or you can do a google search with the following search terms:

promoting website.

As far as counters are involved there are free ones out there and

some are invisible some are visible, and the free counters normally require you to put some type of banner that promotes the site of the counter; again you can do a search on google on free counters and there are plenty of those out there. YOu can also buy one from some companies and those are the invisible ones. It all depends what type of site you have.

About updating your the past I have never liked using the templates provided by isp; i learned html on my own and is really simple; there's quite a few free html editors out there and plenty of tutorials.

here's a nice, simple one:

again, a google search will provide plenty of info.

HOpe that helps

If your ISP offers use of Trexil, there is an automatics "counter" which is added to your web page.

I understand that Microsoft FrontPage is fairly easy to use.

If you use products like Dreamweaver, it should also be easy to add a counter.

Getting your web site listed is harder - I think. There are free services like "Ad Me" and "Web Crawler" but so far my newest web site is not getting the hits I had hoped. It used to be that Google was "free" but now web sites get listed in the Google search based at least in part on monetary reimbursement.

It may be more cost effective to hire a service to help you with your questions. Perhaps your local schools (high school and community college) would help you with this project. You might also see if you can find a pc user group with someone to offer free advice.

Good luck

What is your web address?


Dear Informatics Experts,

Any guidelines on making a fledgling web site more visible online?

I have two areas I'm not sure how to research or learn about:

1. Getting the web site noticed on the world wide web.

2. Figuring out how to edit my current web site through my ISP. I use a template system, as to new at this to understand developing with HTML language on my own.

3. How does one learn about how to set up a counter to mark "hits" on a web site?

I think with some time I can figure out how to edit it through my ISP, but am not certain how one begins the process of making the site more visible in hyperspace or http://www.

Thanks in advance for your time.

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